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e-mail: chemistcraze@yahoo.com

Tomorrow's way

This is the translation of one my favorite singer's song YUI, Tomorrow's way.


I want to destroy the moment
I want to cling to the moment
I don’t understand myself

Of course I can’t do it over
Even when I try to hide in an unfamiliar town
I just think about the present going on outside my window

I want to run away from my impulses
But before I can, my excuses get in the way

If I follow my shattered memories
I can even go back to that time
Like a boy one day

If life is a battle
Then we can’t help whether we win or lose
That much I know

My heart is pounding out of control from running towards tomorrow
From the shock that made me want to cry

I want to live a straight life
I just want to live a straight life
Like that boy that day

I don’t want to stumble over someone’s words
I don’t want to be led astray…

Tomorrow, too, will surely sparkle
It doesn’t matter if I can’t go back to my childhood days
I’m scared of tomorrow’s way of my life
But I’m standing in a path I can’t go back down

I was born to live up to
The universe I imagined as a child
I'm a baby, I want to cry
The pain it takes to get it
Is so good


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This is a random poetry that I made back then. Perhaps this poetry is quite proper with someone who can't move on from their beloved one.


They’re appear in the shining light
Bring back memories
When we’re together

I want to forget you
When you’re starting to fade
I don’t want to live
In a false hope

Your shadow
Still live within me
Why did you came
When I want to forget you?

Your shadow waving
Ask me to stay
As I turn off the light
The shadow fade

Finding people
Would be easy
On the last word
You ask me to stay

I want to forget you
Leave the sorrow behind
Say hello and say goodbye
Is a cycle of life

Your shadow
Still live within me
Staring at the sky
I’m smiling to our memories

Crescent moon and stars
Emits a warmth light
I’m not alone
I can live without you
And let the shadow to live


By : Rudi Gunawan

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My Profile

Hello everyone! My name is Rudi Gunawan from Bandung, West Java. I’m currently studying Japanese Language in State University of Jakarta.

I was born on July 10th 1991. I have 2 brothers and 1 step sister. My secondary school is chemistry school, SMKN 13 Bandung and that makes me love chemistry and science stuff. I’ve ever won 2nd place on National Chemistry Olympiad (known as OSTN) in 2009. That was really a great moment that I could participated on that event.

My activities now is studying and teaching. I’m teaching chemistry to senior high school student in a learning institution. Even though my specialty is on chemistry, but I liked Japanese stuff a lot especially their language, culture and places, that’s why I decided to take this program. I hope I can also improve my ability on chemistry through learning Japanese Language, like reading chemistry references from Japan.

Back then, I was dreamed to be a professor, and it still like that until now. I want to be a professor who can make something cool and useful for mankind. Of course I also dreamed to go to Japan, I want to go to Kyoto!

Well I guess that’s a bit about me, and let’s be friend!

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Finally I finished my new blog! How grateful. Actually this is not my official blog, this blog is dedicated for my English Language subject at my campus. But well, I thought that this one's design is better. Anyway welcome to my blog!. This blog entitled as My World / Rudi の 世界, means this blog contain some of my part of life.
As I mention before, this blog is dedicated for my English Language subject. I hope I can maximize this blog for any kind of my assignment. Of course I also hope that you as the visitor would be happy to visit my blog, feel free to comment for anything here :)

*PS : Since I haven't really edit all of the stuff, please don't bother with some false link here.

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