facebook: www.facebook.com/rudikimia
e-mail: chemistcraze@yahoo.com

My Profile

Hello everyone! My name is Rudi Gunawan from Bandung, West Java. I’m currently studying Japanese Language in State University of Jakarta.

I was born on July 10th 1991. I have 2 brothers and 1 step sister. My secondary school is chemistry school, SMKN 13 Bandung and that makes me love chemistry and science stuff. I’ve ever won 2nd place on National Chemistry Olympiad (known as OSTN) in 2009. That was really a great moment that I could participated on that event.

My activities now is studying and teaching. I’m teaching chemistry to senior high school student in a learning institution. Even though my specialty is on chemistry, but I liked Japanese stuff a lot especially their language, culture and places, that’s why I decided to take this program. I hope I can also improve my ability on chemistry through learning Japanese Language, like reading chemistry references from Japan.

Back then, I was dreamed to be a professor, and it still like that until now. I want to be a professor who can make something cool and useful for mankind. Of course I also dreamed to go to Japan, I want to go to Kyoto!

Well I guess that’s a bit about me, and let’s be friend!

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